About the Blog

This blog was created in hopes that I can spare some of the people in my life who have to listen to my constant rambling about gardening. Now they can choose.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting Ready for Spring

Here are a couple tips and/or helps for getting ready for spring planting.

Recycle or that is Reuse

If you refer back to my When It's Cold post, it talks about covering your plants using various materials a cheap one is milk and juice cartons. Now is a great time to start collecting them. They can be stored easier if you cut off the bottom and then stack them. Milk and juice cartons are great to cover individual plants on those chilly nights. Another great item to reuse are egg cartons perfect for starting plants especially since they are biodegradable and can be planted right in the garden. Lastly yogurt cups make create plant starting pots as well.

Plants to Start Indoors Now

I am currently starting the following plants indoors to give them a jump start.
Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, and Cauliflower these plants are pretty hardy when it comes to cold weather. Cabbage would do fine too but I don't plant it. I also read at my seed store that now was a good time to plant peppers indoors. I think it's a bit early since they shouldn't go in the garden till mid to late May but I may try a few seeds in a week or two.

Planting in the garden

I recently planted a row of peas, I usually plant them around St. Patrick's Day but the weather permitted the other things you could look into planting in the near future is leaf vegetables like lettuce, spinach, arugula etc.


  1. I think I am going to plant my seeds today indoor. We need to till up the garden area and mix stuff in so that something will grow there. Any thoughts?

  2. I'd like to hear the answer to her question as well. We are doing our first garden this year, and the dirt isn't very hearty here.
