About the Blog

This blog was created in hopes that I can spare some of the people in my life who have to listen to my constant rambling about gardening. Now they can choose.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Coffee Anyone?

I listen to two podcasts about vegetable gardening GardeNerd & Vegetable Gardening. The past week I heard on both that brewed coffee grounds were a great fertilizer for the garden and can be used in multiple ways. They mentioned that coffee houses like Starbucks saved their grounds for people for their gardens. I don't have a Starbucks near me so I didn't think much about it, not being a coffee drinker. However, I was at a lunch today and noticed that they served coffee, shocker I know. I asked them if they could start saving their brewed grounds and, to make it short, I can start picking them up Monday.

So now that I had the grounds I needed to know what to do with them. So I found a couple blogs that talked about it. The Cheap Vegetable Gardener was the most informative in my opinion.

It will depend on how many pounds I can get but for the next couple months I plan to spread them on my garden and till them in before planting. As the garden progresses I will add them to my compost and use them in sort of compost tea fashion. I am excited to see what it will do for my tomatoes and melons. Apparently they do wonders for those things.


  1. Sounds interesting. I will have to try that one.

  2. Yeah I will try and track the progress.
