Now I can't really say what is number two but this is the next one I wanted to talk about in this series. Now everybody's soil is different. Some have more clay; others more sand; others rocks and some soil; and yet others have nice store bought soil. Whatever your soil type, it is important to know how to work with your soil to get the best from it. If you have rocks, haul em off. If you have sand add compost or organic materials (this is a good idea for all soil types) to help hold water. If you have more clay add compost and organic matter as well to help break apart the clay particles.
It is also helpful to know possible problems your soil might have, like is it heavy alkaline (salty), does it have too much or one mineral, does it not have enough. There are places you can take your soil to be tested to tell you just what it needs. Your County Extension Agent should be able to direct you. I have never done this but it really is a good idea. It usually costs a little bit and I try to garden as cheaply as possible.
Another thing to avoid that can cause death is fertilizer. In the right quantities it can be a huge help in the wrong quantities it can kill or produce the wrong things like all foliage and no fruit. I recommend following the instructions on the bag. If it isn't a bag I would learn a bit about it. For example: Chicken manure is, in my opinion, one of the greatest things you can add to your garden; if added sparingly, too much and it will be a plant killer for a couple years if serious. Too much of anything can be bad. My personal favorites are outlined in my Improving Soil post. However here are the things I add again for quick reference: Iron (Granules), Chicken Manure (Sparingly), Leaves, Fertilizer (Small amount to break down organic material when needed) and Miracle Gro Shake and Feed. Other things that are good is Cow Manure or any kind for that matter, Compost, some people use grass clippings but I don't like to add seed to my already weed ridden garden, and sawdust preferably from animals beds. The list could go on and on. Doing nothing is not helpful either.
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